Limgroup is the World Market Leader of Asparagus varieties. For every climate tasty, high yielding and well proven varieties are developed. Out of the seeds a perennial asparagus crop can quickly be grown and perform excellent in every climate. Apparently Peter the Great brought the asparagus already 300 years ago to the East. Apparently Peter the Great brought the asparagus already 300 years ago from the Netherlands to St. Petersburg.

Grolim F1 is a 100% male hybrid, suitable for cultivation of white asparagus in both temperate climate zones and climates similar to South Europe. Grolim is ideal as a “high yield variety”, as its exceptionally high stem weight contributes towards reducing labour costs. This early variety gives above average production.
A mid early variety
The ideal variety for bumper harvests
Very high production potential;
suitable for growing at a high planting density;
planting density – from 4.5 to 6 plants per m2.

Together with Frülim, the earliest 100 % male variety for growing white and green asparagus in temperate climates. Gijnlim is unbeatable regarding yield and due to its outstanding quality, this variety is very popular. Gijnlim grows ideally on fertile sandy and clay chernozem soils. For green asparagus 4 plants per meter are planted. For white 30% less.
Purpose – green and white asparagus
Medium – very early
ideal for quick harvesting;
very high yield potential;
planting density – from 4 to 4.5 plants per m for green

Backlim F1 is a 100% male hybrid and highly suitable for production of white asparagus in a temperate climate. Backlim also performs well in green asparagus production. This variety is also extremely good for harvesting in the 2nd half of the season, combined with the harvest of early varieties such as Avalim and Gijnlim. Backlim has evolved into the standard variety in greenhouse growing. Backlim gives reliable yields and quality, both in greenhouses and when field grown.
Late variety
Suitable for white and green
Strong quality and production
Excellent follow up to forced cultivation
A good choice for replanting
The standard in heated production
Recommended plant density: 4-5 plants per meter

Xenolim is a 100% male and 100% anthocyanin free hybrid that is extremely suitable for anthocyanin-free green asparagus production in regions with a temperate climate. Xenolim combines medium early production with exceptionally high yields and a long, profitable production life.
Xenolim grows best on fertile, well-drained soils.
Xenolim has a very high production potential, excellent quality with tip closure and very good thickness. Even when harvested in warm conditions, the tip of Xenolim remains firmly closed.
Purpose – bright green
Medium – early
ideal for quick harvesting;
exceptional high yield potential;
planting density – 4 plants per m