Dutch nursery De Kemp
We represent Dutch nursery De Kemp B.V., it specializes in production of asparagus, strawberries and red currant planting material. All plants are grown in greenhouses and on 150 hectares of nursery in the Netherlands. All material is certified by NAK Tuinbouw. The NAK inspections prove the origin, true-to-type and plant health.

Lambada, the pleasure of taste. Lambada is well known because of its excellent taste. The fruits are big, exceptional sweet and have a nice appearance. This is why Lambada is very suitable for pastry cooks and gastronomic kitchens.
Characteristics of Lambada
• Great taste
• Early variety
• Nice, bright red fruits
Fruit quality – fruits are shiny red, and on the inside they are light red. The gloss gradually disappears after the fruit has been harvested. Lambada has a good fruit set.
Productivity is moderate to fair, with a high percentage of first quality fruit.

Elsanta: one of the most cultivated varieties. Elsanta is a very firm strawberry variety with a good shelf life. The high production, firmness and long shelf life of the fruit make Elsanta extremely suitable for both the grower and the trade. The large fruits have a good flavour with a strong strawberry aroma. Elsanta is grown in large parts of Europe and on a large scale.
Fruit quality – good flavor and strong strawberry aroma.
Productivity – yield is high to very high. The fruits are easy to pick because they are robust and the plants have long sturdy inflorescences.

Polka, the taste of the north. Polka is in mid to late season variety. The fruits of Polka are of average size, uniform in shape, intensely red and very good in flavour. The yield is high. Polka is especially used used for the fresh market in Scandinavia. It’s frost resistance plays an important role in it. Also it’s good taste is well appreciated there. Polka is very suitable for the fresh market and for making jam and juice.
Characteristics of Polka
• Excellent frost resistance
• Great taste
• Suitable for the fresh market and processing
Fruit quality – the fruits are shiny, have an intense dark red colour and are red on the inside. The strawberries have a pleasant sweet sour strawberry aroma.
Productivity – productive variety, provided the fertilization and moisture supplies are well regulated.

Rumba, a shiny start to the summer. Rumba is an early ripening June bearer that stands out thanks to its beautifully shiny, bright red fruit. Rumba’s strong points include its long shelf life and the beautiful sheen that is still striking even after several days of storage. Rumba virtually never bears malformed fruit. The variety is suitable for the cooler growing regions of Western Europe. In the open air Rumba is mostly cultivated as a substitute for Honeoye. Rumba is also successfully grown in tunnels.
Fruit quality – beautiful fruit is uniform, intensely shiny and red to dark red. It is juicy and generally has a relatively good flavour.
Productivity – yield is greater than that of Honeoye. The fruit weight is considerably better, too. Above all the secondary and tertiary fruit is of a good size.

Honeoye is firm, red clear through and is great for pies. A good fresh shipper and very winter hardy. Produces runners very freely, so it’s a perfect ground cover. Long season of heavy crops in early June. Currently, the most popular PYO variety in the Midwest and Northeast. It’s the leading producer in holding its size during the long harvest season.The Honeoye is best flavored when allowed to grow in lighter soils.
Fruit quality – the large berries are easy to pick, and produce high yields over a long fruiting season, making it our most consistent berry producer.
Productivity – a hardy, consistent producer. This vigorous plant bears crops reliably, with good runner production.

Sonata, the perfect composition of taste and looks. Sonata is a mid-late season June bearer of a fruit with exceptionally good flavor qualities. Besides of the good taste, the strong point of Sonata is the abundantly setting of uniform fruits which are easy to pick. That makes Sonata in many cases an excellent alternative to Elsanta.
Characteristics of Sonata
• Midseason
• Easy to pick
• Excellent taste
• Beautiful presentation
• High return
Fruit quality – juicy strawberries with a sweet taste and a clear strawberry aroma.
Productivity – in general Sonata’s yield is comparable to Elsanta, or slightly better. The numbers of fruits of first quality is clearly higher.

Florenсе is a late variety, it is an excellent variety for firm, flavoursome, well coloured fruits. Strawberry ‘Florence’ is ideal for a late season harvest producing delicious sweet strawberries from the end of June to the end of July. A prolific cropper with exceptional pest and disease resistance.
Fruit quality – strawberries are red to dark red, large to very large, firm and well-flavoured. The ripening time is late, 10 to 12 days later than Elsanta.
Productivity – the yield is good and the plants are growing strong and are hardly susceptible to root diseases and mildew. Plants are moderately vigorous with an upright plant habit and good fruit display.

Salsa, a rich experience of flavour and fullness. Salsa is a late June bearer that comes into production about one week after Sonata. Strong properties are its good flavour, in combination with late harvest, very good yield and very large, orange-red fruits. Additionally, Salsa is minimally sensitive to mildew and wilt. This makes the variety useful in areas not suitable for many other varieties. Salsa is grown successfully in open field cultivation in central and northern European countries where the focus is on companies with direct sales.
Properties of Salsa
• Very large fruit
• Late and flavourful
• Highly productive
• Frost resistant
• Verticillium-tolerant
Fruit quality – very large, conical, orange-red strawberries, glossy, have somewhat sunken seeds and often a white collar.
Productivity – very productive and gives a yield well above that of Sonata and comparable to that of Florence.

Early Variety
The plants of Allegro are very robust. This selection is not very sensitive to Phytophthora cactorum, Verticillium and Mildew. On old strawberry fields it performs very good so far.
Allegro is a new June-bearing variety with a harvest gradient equal to that of Clery. The fruits of Allegro are attractive shiny red. The strawberries are uniform and have a slightly long-conical shape. The taste of Allegro is good, the fruits are juicy and have a good aroma. The brix is around 9, which predicts a good taste.
The test shows that the yield of Class 1 strawberries is 20-25% higher than Clery. The fruit size is slightly larger, especially the uniformity of beginning to end is very positive.